The most widely used book on underwater acoustics and sonar published today. This book has been and continues to be the standby of scientists, practicing engineers, technicians, system analysts, underwater systems managers, students and teachers. Its contents lie squarely in the middle between theory at one end and practical technology at the other. Principles is an easy-to-understand book which focuses on the fundamentals, effects and phenomena of underwater sound and their application to sonar.
The elements of the Sonar Equation form the organizational structure of this book. After the first chapter outlines the nature of sonar and its applications and history, the second chapter introduces and explains the Sonar Equation. Thereafter, each element of the Sonar Equation has one or more chapters devoted to defining and explaining it: properties of transducers arrays: Directivity Index; projector Source Level; Transmission Loss; Ambient Noise Level; Reverberation Level; Target Strength; the radiated noise of ships, submarines and torpedoes: Radiated Noise Levels; Self-Noise Levels; Detection Threshold; and a final chapter of Design and Prediction in Sonar Systems.
Principles of Underwater Sound provides numerical, quantitative data for the solution of practical problems. 229 figures; 23 tables; 673 references. The detailed index pinpoints data and explanations instantly. This book is a wonderful text from which to teach the fundamentals of detection of underwater targets by sonar. For students, the book has a problem section with solutions.
The author, Robert J. Urick, was a distinguished scientist, engineer, consultant, teacher and author in the field of underwater acoustics for more than fifty years. In 1988 the Acoustical Society of America awarded him the Pioneers of Underwater Acoustics Medal for this book, Principles of Underwater Sound, and for his many experiments on sound propagation, scattering, reverberation and ambient noise. In 1997, Professor Urick died at the age of 81, ending a life of grand scholarship and leadership in the field of underwater acoustics.
This is your book for practical underwater acoustics and understanding sonars. Be you an engineer, scientist, techie, manager, systems analyst, student or teacher, Principles of Underwater Sound is the go-to book for understanding and reference.
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